শিং মাছ

শিং মাছ

৳ 700.00

  • বিলের মাছ, নদীর মাছ সর্বনিম্ন অর্ডার করতে হবে ২ কেজি।
  • বড় মাছ কাটিং-
১. চাইনিজ কাট২. পিস পিস কাট৩.আস্ত মাছ

আপনি কোনটি চান তা অবশ্যই ডেলিভারি নোটে অথবা মোবাইলে নিশ্চিত করুন।

  • বেশীর ভাগ আমাদের চলন বিলের মাছ, নদীর মাছ জীবিত হবে।
  • চলন বিলের মাছ, নদীর মাছ আপনি যে কোন সময় অর্ডার করতে পারবেন। আমাদের ডেলিভারি দিতে  সর্বোচ্চ ৭২ ঘণ্টা সময় লাগতে পারে। ডেলিভারির সময় সকাল ৮ টা থেকে রাত ১০ টা।
  • আমাদের মুল্য প্রতি কেজি হিসেবে দেওয়া আছে।
  • মাছের মুল্য আমরা ডেলিভারি দেওয়ার সময় গ্রহণ করি।
  • মাছে কোন সমস্যা থাকলে ডেলিভারি ম্যান কে তা ফেরত দিন। কারন পরবর্তীতে তা ফেরত নেয়া কিংবা টাকা ফেরত দেওয়া হবেনা।
  • অর্ডার করতে সমস্যা হলে কিংবা অর্ডার করার পর ফোন করুনঃ ০১৬৭৫৭৭১৩৭৬
  • মাছের মুল্য পরিবর্তনশীল। যে কোন সময়ে মাছের দাম কম অথবা বেশী হতে পারে।




We used to supply fish from Chalan Beel,Natore,Sirajganj Rajshahi, and we have our own resources of fish, self-made ponds, trained fisherman and our own fish market in Mohishloti,Tarash. Without using any toxic fish feed, hormone tablets and any type of formalin we will provide fresh fish in your door.

1. We are committed to avoid cheating like push water into fish, another fish or weighted something into the fish belly, use any kind of chemical, etc. which are happening with the fish business.
2. We have own machine for cleaning and cutting the fish (in case of big fish) where fish pieces depend on the consumers demand.
3. Ensuring accurate weight written in the fish packet.
4. Product delivery might be interrupted or delayed due to political unrest situation or natural disaster.
5. Price is given as per kg.

 Terms and Condition:

1. We are requested to you ensure your order by the phone call.

2. After reaching your fish, please check it properly, if any problem you found, please give it back to our delivery man. We don’t give your money back after delivery man left.

3. Recently Cash On Delivery is available to our payment method.

4. We receive an order from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm. Our maximum delivery time 5 to 6 hours.

5. We request to you please don’t give any fake order, if anyone does this he/she must face on legal punishment.

6. Product price is volatile. So any time the fish price can be changed.

শিং মাছ


শিং মাছ

শিং মাছ, Catfish (or catfishes; order Siluriformes or Nematognathi) are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. Named for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat‘s whiskers, catfish range in size and behavior from the three largest species alive, the Mekong giant catfish from Southeast Asia, the wels catfish of Eurasia and the piraíba of South America, to detritivores (species that eat dead material on the bottom), and even to a tiny parasitic species commonly called the candiru, Vandellia cirrhosa. There are armour-plated types and there are also naked types, neither having scales. Despite their name, not all catfish have prominent barbels. Members of the Siluriformes order are defined by features of the skull and swimbladder. Catfish are of considerable commercial importance; many of the larger species are farmed or fished for food. Many of the smaller species, particularly the genus Corydoras, are important in the aquarium hobby. Many catfish are nocturnal, but others (many Auchenipteridae) are crepuscular or diurnal (most Loricariidae or Callichthyidae, for example).

শিং মাছ, Extant catfish species live inland or in coastal waters of every continent except Antarctica. Catfish have inhabited all continents at one time or another. Catfish are most diverse in tropical South America, Asia and Africa with one family native to North America and one family in Europe. More than half of all catfish species live in the Americas. They are the only ostariophysans that have entered freshwater habitats in Madagascar, Australia, and New Guinea.

শিং মাছ, They are found in freshwater environments, though most inhabit shallow, running water. Representatives of at least eight families are hypogean (live underground) with three families that are also troglobitic (inhabiting caves). One such species is Phreatobius cisternarum, known to live underground in phreatic habitats. Numerous species from the families Ariidae and Plotosidae, and a few species from among the Aspredinidae and Bagridae, are found in salt water.

In the Southern United States, catfish species may be known by a variety of slang names, such as “mud cat”, “polliwogs”, or “chuckleheads”.These nicknames are not standardized, so one area may call a bullhead catfish by the nickname “chucklehead”, while in another state or region, that nickname refers to the blue catfish.

শিং মাছ, Representatives of the genus Ictalurus have been introduced into European waters in the hope of obtaining a sporting and food resource. However, the European stock of American catfishes has not achieved the dimensions of these fish in their native waters, and have only increased the ecological pressure on native European faunaWalking catfish have also been introduced in the freshwaters of Florida, with the voracious catfish becoming a major alien pest there. Flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, is also a North American pest on Atlantic slope drainages. Pterygoplichthys species, released by aquarium fishkeepers, have also established feral populations in many warm waters around the world.

শিং মাছ

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